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Аудитивные игры. 
Использование игр на уроках английского языка

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A boy was looking for his uncle. He had the address: Forest Street, 4. When he saw number 1, he thought, «Another three houses and I’ll get to my uncle’s. The 'boy went on. But when he came to the fourth house he saw number 7 on it. The boy was very surprised and couldn’t understand his mistake. Can you? Two mothers and two daughters have three apples. Each gets an apple. Is it possible? (Yes… Читать ещё >

Аудитивные игры. Использование игр на уроках английского языка (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

1. Five brothers have each a sister. How many children are there in the family? (six).

Two mothers and two daughters have three apples. Each gets an apple. Is it possible? (Yes, it is possible when one of the mothers is the daughter of the other mother.).

In what month does a man speak least of all? (In February.).

Six birds were sitting on a branch. A hunter shot at one of them. How many birds remained on the branch? (No birds remained on the branch.).

A boy was looking for his uncle. He had the address: Forest Street, 4. When he saw number 1, he thought, «Another three houses and I’ll get to my uncle’s. The 'boy went on. But when he came to the fourth house he saw number 7 on it. The boy was very surprised and couldn’t understand his mistake. Can you?

— Six little apples.

Hanging from a tree.

Johnny had a big stone.

And down came three.

How many apples were left?

— As I was going to St. Ives,.

I met a man with seven wives.

Every wife had seven sacks,.

Every sack had seven cats,.

Every cat hat seven kits.

Kit, cats, sacks and wives,.

How many were there going to St. Ives?

Речевые игры

игровой школьник иностранный лексика.

1. BlackMagic.

Игра заключается в диалоге ведущего (учителя) и учеников. В ответах на вопросы нельзя употреблять слова; да, нет, черное, белое. Ученик, к которому обращается ведущий, не имеет права уклониться от ответа и должен найти разумный ответ, обойди запретные слова. В случае если ученик нарушает правило, он отдает фант (см. игру «Forfeits»).

Teacher: Do you want to play, Andrei?

Andrei; Eh-eh… Who doesn’t?

Teacher: Victor, is it Sunday today?

Victor: If it were Sunday, we wouldn’t be sitting here.

Teacher: Is chalk white, Lena?

Lena: Chalk can be of any colour.

2. ExplainYourself.

Правила игры: учитель говорит предложение, которое может служить окончанием короткого рассказа. Ученики придумывают свои рассказы. Выигрывает тот, кто наиболее логично подведет рассказ к его окончанию. Вот некоторые возможные заключительные фразы:

I could go neither home nor to school.

Luckily I found people who could swim.'.

I felt very silly when the cat mewed.

I jumped up and opened the window.

I couldn’t understand what they were thanking me for.

But it was too late.

But when I got out of the train there was no one to meet me.

And I never answered the telephone again.

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