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From below there was a 61 m long road and consisting of two 1,200-ton lifting spans which, during the passage of the vessel, rose at an angle of 83 °, enabling the ships to pass under the bridge to a cargo capacity of up to 20,000 tons. Thanks to the counterweights provided by the designer, which were attached to each lifting part of the structure, the bridge employees are able to dilute…
Реферат Ost often used one is represented in our paper. T he legal aspect has a last decisive impact on the decision. T he subject must always correlate it with the rules of law when formulating a decision. To regulate the process of making political decisions in this area, it is necessary to attribute constitutional and legal responsibility, as well as many normative and legal acts, directly…
Доклад Соловьёва А. В. Профессиональный перевод с помощью компьютера. — СПб.: Питер, 2012. An Introduction to CAT Tools (Translation Memory). — Keypot corporation. URL: Обучение чтению и переводу (английский язык). Учебное пособие. 2-е изд., стереотип. — М.: Флинта, 2011. — 373 с…
Реферат I t’s not explaining in the subtitles. O r in «Leviathan»: why you not ask to court when you have taken away the property, why court is such bad… S ome things may not be clear to the people from the outside. But just these contradictions and the complexity are made these Directors truly great and bright — those who understand the «sault» of Russia — can understand Russian soul. References1. K…
Эссе B y many accounts psychology ultimately aims to benefit society. T he majority of psychologists are involved in some kind of therapeutic role, practicing in clinical, counseling, or school settings. P sychology its Principles and Meanings. -NC: H olt McDougal, 1998. Hockenbury, Don H. & H ockenbury, Sandra E. P sychology. W orth Publishers, 2010. W einer, Irving B. H andbook of Psychology…
Реферат R ussian public health in the new economic conditions: challenges and prospects: HSE report on the development of the health system / the head of the team of authors S.V. Shishkin; Nat. I ssled. U niversity Higher School of Economics. — M. Healthcare includes not only medicine directly, but also border areas of state responsibility in the field of economy, politics, culture, sanitary and hygienic…
Реферат Iorentini; S. P eltzman. — C ambridge: CUP, 1995. Sterling, C. O ctopus: The Long Reach of the International Sicilian Mafia. — NY: N. The creation of a management structure that eliminates managers from the need to directly organize or commit specific crimes; Криминология: Учебник для вузов / Под общ. ред. А. И. Долговой. — М., 2007. A social history of the Sicilian mafia. — NY: T he Free Press…
Эссе Hrough the many outlets of mass media, members of society are flooded with biased information on illicit drug use which prevents them from making informed, healthy decisions. W hile the way in which drugs are represented in the media may reinforce hegemonic ideals, there are also serious consequences for promoting these ideals. S uch consequences include lack of trust in authority leading…
Эссе It should be considered advantageous that the author explains that two factors that may have been especially important in facilitating the absorption of the Marie1 immigrants are related to the distinctive character of the Miami labor market. First, Miami’s industry structure was well suited to make use of an influx of unskilled labor. The structure, and particularly the high concentration…
Эссе T he role that learners adopt can greatly help teachers to direct their activities with them and adopt appropriate roles themselves. B ibliographyBrown, H.D. 2000Principles of Language Learning and Teaching,(4thedn)Pearson Education Ltd. Curran, C.A. 1972Counseling Learning: A Whole Person Model for Education, New York: Grune & Stratton. Harmer, J. 2001The Practice of English Language…
Эссе Оставаться вежливым, а также заботиться о сохранении чувства собственного достоинства получателя этого сообщения. В ответах на приглашение, предложение, поздравление, соболезнование, запрос, необходимо использовать слова благодарности. К примеру: Всегда рады оказать Вам помощь… Добро пожаловать на наш семинар! С наилучшими пожеланиями и надеждой на совместную работу… С наилучшими пожеланиями…
Реферат He positive thing is that they help me to be more disciplined, which in turn makes life much easier. T hat is, talking about the positive aspects, I call the relief of everyday life by building by the habits of a certain routine of the day. Regarding the negative side, from time to time I consider myself a hostage to habits because it is often very difficult to change the habitual view of things…
Эссе He idea is to target all possible groups of customers, with a chance that some customers may see or hear about the product via more than one promotional channel. T his would in theory create a larger interest for the product and would ultimately increase the sales of Bauer Bandage in Russia. B udget for approaching RussiaThe marketing budget for approaching the country was decided to be equal…
Реферат T he results of a controlled experiment, on the impact of regulations, showed a moderate short-termincreasing physical activity. F or general practitioners written targetedprescription of physical therapy sessions, issued in addition to word of mouth, they are a convenient means of motivating patients to increase physical activity. ConclusionThe problems of healthy lifestyle the US high school…
Реферат Выписывать слова на карточки (английский вариант на одной стороне, русский — на другой) и периодически проверять себя, в том числе и в транспорте, на знание значения слов (очень удобная техника на запоминание новых слов в свободное время. Такие карточки не будут занимать много места и их удобно возить с собой) — Выписывать не просто слова, а возможные словосочетания данного слова с другими…