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Критика статьи (своего рода эссе по статье)

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However, some implications are to be mentioned as well. Despite the clear-cut nature of these findings, some caution is required in their interpretation, since the Miami labor market is' far from typical of other local labor markets in the United States. Although the arrival of some 60,000 refugees in only a six-month period occasioned problems for the Mariel immigrants, in many respects Miami… Читать ещё >

Критика статьи (своего рода эссе по статье) (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

It deserves attention that the research shows that the influx of Mariel immigrants had virtually no effect on the wage rates of less-skilled non-Cuban workers. Similarly, there is no evidence of an increase in unemployment among less-skilled blacks or ocher non-Cuban workers. Rather, the data analysis suggests a remarkably rapid absorption of the Mariel immigrants into the Miami labor force, with negligible effects on other groups. Even among the Cuban population there is no indication that wages or unemployment rates of earlie1 immigrants were substantially affected by the arrival of the Mariel’s.

However, some implications are to be mentioned as well. Despite the clear-cut nature of these findings, some caution is required in their interpretation, since the Miami labor market is' far from typical of other local labor markets in the United States. Although the arrival of some 60,000 refugees in only a six-month period occasioned problems for the Mariel immigrants, in many respects Miami was better prepared to receive them than any other city. In the two decades before the Mariel Boatlift Miami had absorbed a continuing flow of Cubans and in the years since the Boatlift it has continued to receive large numbers.

The advantages of the paper are strong time plan and objectivity, since the research does not touch upon related issues. The way the data is structured is preferable and applicable and that is the possibly existing drawbacks and limitations of this paper.

It should be considered advantageous that the author explains that two factors that may have been especially important in facilitating the absorption of the Marie1 immigrants are related to the distinctive character of the Miami labor market. First, Miami’s industry structure was well suited to make use of an influx of unskilled labor. The structure, and particularly the high concentration of textile and apparel industries, evolved over the previous two decades in response to earlier waves of immigrants, and may have allowed the Mariel immigrants to take up unskilled jobs as earlier Cuban.

It should be noted that the title and abstract of the paper reflect the content and main results to a great extend. The abstract is short but represents the needed information. It is impersonal and emphasizes the most significant points of the research.

My general recommendation to the editor is to accept with minor revisions. It is so, since the article contains some vocabulary to be checked to meet the expectations on the lingual tolerance which are to be met by any officially published documents (for instance, Afro-Americans are better than ‘black' used by the author).

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