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Oremost the audience must be ready to protect their own minds from so-called «brainwashing» on the television screens. W e should always be alerted and ask ourselves: «Does the TV affect people badly?» This problem nowadays is under the study, because everybody needs to understand the impact of mass media on people. M any researchers are interested in the analysis of propaganda. J aundiced… Читать ещё >


Our generation lives in the era of technology. Mass media plays a big role in our life, making it interesting, bright and colorful. Mass media has an ability to reach big audience throughout the world in a few seconds.

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A good example of it is shown is the film Requiem for a Dream. I f someone watches this film, he can see the «dark side of the Moon». People who watched this film saw the wrong side and a bad effect from using drugs. T his example of mass media propaganda is totally different because while you watch the film you begin to understand how ugly and disgusting a person can become after doing drugs. T.

here are no devices used to make fun of drug addiction. A ll the scenes of the film show the audience only the severe reality. This film can be compared with «The basketball Diaries». If adolescents watch it, he or she would see how bad and terrible life can be even for those who were once prosperous, successful and promising. T he audience of today`s TV channels is getting used to accept an axiom as primitive and therefore not subject to proof.

W e should prevent our new-born generations from acting without thinking. J aundiced perceptions of drug use are presented throughout the media because of the content restrictions imposed on anything counterhegemonic. T he reasoning for censorship is often founded on moral and political reasoning. G.

overnments impose these restrictions attempting to make illicit drugs taboo. I f people are limited in their exposure to drugs, their opportunity for involvement decreases. The way in which the media works is complex. F rom those who control it to those who view it, messages are cast throughout society promoting hegemonic ideologies which condemn drug use. G.

overnment officials and policy makers make every effort to maintain a collective consciousness; resulting in people agreeing to principles they may not fully understand. A gain, these principles are predicated on moral values and for political purposes. R egardless of the criminal classification of certain drugs, maintaining social power is given priority. B y demonizing specific social groups, the government and media can continue to influence people in a way that is advantageous to them.

M aterial presented in the news is not based on factual understandings of drugs; but instead, coverage is focused more on social exclusions. T hrough the many outlets of mass media, members of society are flooded with biased information on illicit drug use which prevents them from making informed, healthy decisions. W hile the way in which drugs are represented in the media may reinforce hegemonic ideals, there are also serious consequences for promoting these ideals. S uch consequences include lack of trust in authority leading to rebellion, continuing systemic prejudice based on social status, minimal opportunity for social reform, limited understanding of the sociological aspects of drug use, and inadequate knowledge.

P olicy oriented messages leads people to either view drugs as something to be avoided or, alternatively, fear the risk of involvement within the criminal justice system. N o matter what effect they want to produce, drug use practices in TV shows and movies are taken by audience as a manifest — «do as I do». All of our actions lead to some fatal aftermath. E.

verybody must learn that from every source of information they see around. I n the mass media sources the information is overloaded. I t`s significant to mention that even not all grown-ups are able to perceive it adequately from mass media sources. P.

olicy and government mast take it into account when they create the latest in a series of propaganda. F oremost the audience must be ready to protect their own minds from so-called «brainwashing» on the television screens. W e should always be alerted and ask ourselves: «Does the TV affect people badly?» This problem nowadays is under the study, because everybody needs to understand the impact of mass media on people. M.

any researchers are interested in the analysis of propaganda. P ropaganda messages today have for the most partnonreciprocal effect on audience. I f people want to be individualistic and aware of truth, they must primarily learn to detach right things from wrong ones. A ll the people need to learn thinking with their own minds, but not using the questionable examples of acting. ReferencesGoode, E.

(2012). D rugs in American Society. N ew York: McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. Montagne, M.

(2011). D rugs and the media: An introduction. S ubstanceuse & Misuse, 46(7), 849−851. doi:

10.3109/10 826 084.


57 0609Mosher, Clayton J. and Scott Akins. (2014). D rugs and Drug Policy: The Control ofConsciousness Alteration. 2nd Edition. T.

housand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc. Taylor, S. (2008). O utside the outsiders: Media representations of drug use. P robationJournal, 55(4), 369−387.Werb, D., Mills, E. J., D.

eBeck, K., Kerr, T., Montaner, J. S. G., & amp; Wood, E. (.

2011). T heeffectiveness of anti-illicit-drug public-service announcements: A systematic reviewand meta-analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1979;), 65(10), 834−840.

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  1. References
  2. , E. (2012). Drugs in American Society. New York: McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.
  3. , M. (2011). Drugs and the media: An introduction. Substance use & Misuse, 46(7), 849−851. doi:10.3109/10 826 084.2011.570 609
  4. Mosher, Clayton J. and Scott Akins. (2014). Drugs and Drug Policy: The Control of Consciousness Alteration. 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.
  5. , S. (2008). Outside the outsiders: Media representations of drug use. Probation Journal, 55(4), 369−387.
  6. Werb, D., Mills, E. J., DeBeck, K., Kerr, T., Montaner, J. S. G., & Wood, E. (2011). The effectiveness of anti-illicit-drug public-service announcements: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1979-), 65(10), 834−840.
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