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Так, для некоторых людей, нет ничего радостнее, чем путешествие, и я не исключение. Я счастлив, что я много путешествую и я надеюсь, что каждая моя последующая поездка не будет последней. В первую очередь, члены моей семьи обычно долго гуляют по окрестностям деревни. На таких прогулках мы бываем во многих местах, иногда мы встречаем интересных людей. Это очень полезно для всех членов нашей семьи…
Контрольная I’d like to tell about my grand-grandmother Ann. She is the real hero for our family. She died some years ago? Her age was great. She was very strong woman, she’s never cried and always helped o other families. When her family perished and her dear husband too, she perceived it without emotions, but I’m sure that granny was very, very upset, and simply did not showed it. She was religious woman…
Реферат My name is Kostya. My surname is Laznev. I was born in Moscow on the 23rd of June in 1981. I am a tall thin boy. My hair is dark and short. My face is oval, my nose is straight. My eyes are large and brown. My friends say that I am a good-looking boy. I like to dress well. I usually wear black trousers, light shirts, clean boots. I have a dream to enter the Institute. I worked hard at school…
Реферат In 1569, by the Union of Lublin, the dynastic link between Poland and Lithuania was transformed into a constitutional union of the two states as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Most of Ukraine became part of Poland, settlement of Polish nationals followed, Polish laws and customs became dominant. Most of Ukrainian princes and boyars, except for few notably Ostrozkyis and Wyshnevetskyis…
Реферат Die wichtigsten Organe des Bundestages sind: das Bundestagsplenum, der Bundestagspräsident, der Ältestenrat, der Vorstand und die Ausschüsse. In den 38 Fachausschüssen (auch ordentliche Ausschüsse) des Bundestages wird die eigentliche Gesetzgebungsarbeit geleistet. Sie bestehen aus 15,21 oder 31 Abgeordneten je nach Bedeutung des Ausschusses. Die Fraktionen entsenden ihre besten Fachleute in die…
Реферат Ostankinskaya Tower is the well known sight of Moscow. It is the highest building in Europe. Its height is 540 meters. It was projected by Russian architect Nikitin and was built in 1961;1968.. Moscow is the center of Russian science. Moscow State University on the Vorobyovi Hills is the heart of our educational system that includes also many universities, colleges, schools and libraries…
Реферат Englishmen say «There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes», It means that they like all the seasons, all kinds of weather. Every season is good in its own way. Each person likes this or that season. It depends on his character, mood. They say that Pushkin liked autumn very much. This season is full of colours, bright and tasty. The sky is blue, but sometimes grey clouds appear. The sun…
Реферат The Grey Tree (1912; 79×108 cm (31×42 ½ in)) adumbrates the abstractions that were a half-way house to his geometrical work, yet it also has a foothold in the real world of life and death. The Grey Tree is realist art on the point of taking off into abstraction: take away the title and we have an abstraction; add the title and we have a grey tree. He claimed to have painted these pictures from…
Реферат Returning to Paris in 1859, he painted portraits of his family and friends and a number of historical subjects, in which he combined classical and romantic styles. In Paris, Degas came to know Édouard Manet, and in the late 1860s he turned to contemporary themes, painting both theatrical scenes and portraits with a strong emphasis on the social and intellectual implications of props and setting…
Реферат When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and interest us. There are several ways to do this. People use radio or television. They switch on the radio set or TV set and choose the programme they like best. Some people like music. They listen to various concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs, and see dances. Those who are fond of sports listen to or watch…
Реферат Ми з мамою тоді хто відпочивав у Бельгії, і гуляючи якось пройшли повз нічного клубу, де побачила її велику фотографію на вітрині. Я пам’ятаю, як закричала: «Це мій мама!». Вона зніяковіла, але всміхнулася мені. І лише недавно згадала, що в ній у ньому майже було одежды. Я брала участь у уявленнях у минулому червні, побачивши оголошення набір танцовщиц-топлесс із платнею до 1000 фунтов. What…
Реферат Manhattan is the name of an island which forms the heart of New York. The island is 13 miles long, 2 miles long & lies at the mouth of the Hudson River. The population of Manhattan is about two million people. Here is the heart of America «p.s business & culture, the city of sky-scrapes, of Broadway, of Wall Street, which is the center of American money business. The street got it «p.s name…
Реферат Well, it may sound improbable, but even in the century of high technologies preventing deseases is still actual. Though in our time the humanity has overcome such creepy deseases as plague, lues, leprosy and fever, at the same time some new very serious deseases have appeared. AIDS, cancer and heart deseases sweep away more and more lives. The drug addiction, alcoholism and bad ecology cause…
Реферат And so: 2.) The STATE OF BEING SEPARATED and 1.) The STATE OF BEING CONFLUENT are the two basic components of Being. Everythihg else is, in final analisys, coming down to them, and is nothing more as only THEIR COMBINATION. Correspondingly, the SUCCES IN SUCH BEING is belonging to those who KNOW THE ART OF COMBINING THE TWO, or, in other words, — translating it all to the language of the…
Реферат Some Egyptologists have attempted to abandon the notions of Kingdoms and dynasties, but for the sake of conformity with most publications dealing with Ancient Egypt, this site will continue using both notions. Visitors may, however, notice that the timeline below and the timescale used throughout The Ancient Egypt Site may be somewhat different from some of the other books or web-sites they have…