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Реферат: New York

When first immigrants came to this land, they bought Manhattan Island for $ 24 from local Indians. Then they founded there a first colony and now when people in New York talking about New Yorkers they usually talk about people, who live on Manhattan. New York has five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx. The Bronx is famous for a zoo, which is situated there…

Реферат: National Sports of Great Britain

His first experiments Involved standing on his surfboard holding out a piece of sail cloth in his hands. Gradually he and Drake refined this idea into a basic design for a sailboard, similar to a surfboard, but holding a mast and a triangular sail which could be tilted and turned in any direction. The windsurfer operates a boom which controls the amount of wind in the sail, for speed and change…

Реферат: There is Nothing LikeVisiting Narva

I have never seen so unique view of two ancient frontier fortresses facing each other across a river. One is Hermann Castle and the second is Ivangorod Castle which situated over on the Russia side. If you have never before seen Swedish medieval fortifications, in Narva you will find those which previously enclosed the town, making it one of the most powerful fortresses in Europe. There are many…

Реферат: Introducing Yourself

My name is Kostya. My surname is Laznev. I was born in Moscow on the 23rd of June in 1981. I am a tall thin boy. My hair is dark and short. My face is oval, my nose is straight. My eyes are large and brown. My friends say that I am a good-looking boy. I like to dress well. I usually wear black trousers, light shirts, clean boots. I have a dream to enter the Institute. I worked hard at school…

Реферат: Science in the 20th century

The 20th century began slowly, to the ticking of grandfather clocks and the stately rhythms of progress. Thanks to science, industry and moral philosophy, mankind «p.s steps had at last been guided up the right path. The century of steam was about to give way to the century of оіл and electricity. Charles Darwin «p.s theory of evolution, only 41 years old in 1900, proposed a scientific basis for…

Реферат: Period of lithuanian and polish rule (1360-1599)

In 1569, by the Union of Lublin, the dynastic link between Poland and Lithuania was transformed into a constitutional union of the two states as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Most of Ukraine became part of Poland, settlement of Polish nationals followed, Polish laws and customs became dominant. Most of Ukrainian princes and boyars, except for few notably Ostrozkyis and Wyshnevetskyis…

Реферат: Die Organization des Bundestages

Der Bundestag bildet zur Vorbereitung der Plenarentscheidungen Ausschüsse für verschiedene Sachgebiete oder, wie im Falle der Untersuchungsausschüsse, für konkrete Aufgaben. Bestimmte Ausschüsse müssen gebildet werden («obligatorische «Ausschüsse), so der Ausschuß für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und der Verteidigungsausschuß. (Art. 45 GG). Der Verteidigungsausschuß dient auch der parlamentarischen…

Реферат: Washington, DC

The Blue Room, the most formal of these «colors «room is an oval-shaped room connecting the Green and the Red Rooms. On the second floor, the floor with the family quarters and quests rooms, is the Lincoln Room, which one served as an office for president Lincoln but today serves as an honor guest room. In this room Lincoln signed the emansipation proclamation of 1863. The city of Washington, the…

Реферат: Great Britain

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters if Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles. The weather in GB is very changeable. A fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening and the wrong side out. The english people say: «Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather. «The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains…

Реферат: My first journey

Many people say: «Give me a walking tour any time». And it is not surprising. The walker leaves the dull, broad highway and goes along little winding lanes where cars can’t go. He takes mountain paths through the heather, he wonders by the side of quiet lakes and through the shades of woods. He sees the real country, the wild flowers, the young birds in their nests, the deer in the forest…

Реферат: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

Romantic love was Rossetti «p.s main theme in both poetry and painting. Elizabeth Siddal, whom he married in 1860, was the subject of many fine drawings, and his memory of her after she died (1862) is implicit in the Beata Beatrix (1863; Tate Gallery, London). Toward the end of his life, Rossetti sank into a morbid state, possibly induced by his disinterment (1869) of the manuscript poems he had…

Реферат: Munch, Edvard

Munch was born on Dec. 12, 1863, in Loten, Norway. He grew up in Christiania (now Oslo) and studied art under Christian Krohg, a Norwegian naturalistic painter. Munch «p.s parents, a brother, and a sister died while he was still young, which probably explains the bleakness and pessimism of much of his work. Paintings such as The Sick Child (1886), Vampire (1893−94), and Ashes (1894) show his…

Реферат: Eyck, Jan van: The Adoration of the Lamb

Jan van Eyck (1385−1441) was a contemporary of Campin and one of the enduring influences on his century. He had an eye almost miraculously responsive to every detail or his world, not just in that he saw it, but that he understood its value. Van Eyck «p.s natural habitat was one of luminous clarity; he saw the most ordinary things with a wonderful sharpness and a great sense of their awesome…

Реферат: Degas, (Hilaire-Germain-) Edgar

The art of Degas reflects a concern for the psychology of movement and expression and the harmony of line and continuity of contour. These characteristics set Degas apart from the other impressionist painters, although he took part in all but one of the 8 impressionist exhibitions between 1874 and 1886. Degas was the son of a wealthy banker, and his aristocratic family background instilled into…

Реферат: Янка Купала Беларус

Хваля арышта?, якаючи? летку 1930 року пракацiлася сярод белпрускiх пiсьменнiка?, дзеяча? навукi і культури, не абмiнула і Янку Купалу. Яго рэгулярна выклiкалi на допыты? ДПУ, патрабавалi паказання? аб «контррэвалюцыйнай» арганiзацыi «Саюз вызвалення Беларусi», лiдэрам якой ён нiбыта бы?. Даведзены так адчаю, ён 27 лiстапада 1930 року зрабi? спробу самагубства. На шчасце, жыццё паэта? далося…

Реферат: 4 Топіка з мови english

If we want to go out, there are a lot of cinemas, theatres, museums and clubs where we can spend our free time. It is often difficult to decide where to go in the evening. Newspapers tell us what is on at cinemas and theatres. If you are a theatre-goer, you will choose a play you want to see. If you are a film fan, you will go to a cinema. Those who are interested in music may go to a concert…

Реферат: Gogh, Vincent van

He sold only one painting during his lifetime (Red Vineyard at Arles; Pushkin Museum, Moscow), and was little known to the art world at the time of his death, but his fame grew rapidly thereafter. His influence on Expressionism, Fauvism and early abstraction was enormous, and it can be seen in many other aspects of 20th-century art. His stormy and dramatic life and his unswerving devotion to his…

Реферат: Creative Activity

Ми з мамою тоді хто відпочивав у Бельгії, і гуляючи якось пройшли повз нічного клубу, де побачила її велику фотографію на вітрині. Я пам’ятаю, як закричала: «Це мій мама!». Вона зніяковіла, але всміхнулася мені. І лише недавно згадала, що в ній у ньому майже було одежды. Я брала участь у уявленнях у минулому червні, побачивши оголошення набір танцовщиц-топлесс із платнею до 1000 фунтов. What…

Реферат: Fast food

Fast Food of America Have you ever enjoyed a hamburger, sitting on a lawn? May be you «re against all these hot dogs and cheeseburgers, because it «p.s a junk food. Anyway, it is always interesting to find out something about the origin and history of such trifles, which make our life more comfortable. They really make life more pleasant, especially outdoors, don «t they? Pop-Corn It’s impossible…

Реферат: Idiom

Idioms. Idioms involve collocation of a special kind. Consider, for instance, kick the bucket, fly off the handle, spill the beans, red herring. For here we not only have the collocation of kick and the bucket, but also the fact that the meaning of the resultant combination is opaque — it is not related to the meaning of the individual words, but is sometimes (though not always) nearer to the…

Реферат: Preventing serious deseases

Well, it may sound improbable, but even in the century of high technologies preventing deseases is still actual. Though in our time the humanity has overcome such creepy deseases as plague, lues, leprosy and fever, at the same time some new very serious deseases have appeared. AIDS, cancer and heart deseases sweep away more and more lives. The drug addiction, alcoholism and bad ecology cause…

Реферат: The Snows of Mars

Mars holds a special place in the human imagination as the planet most like the Earth. It has an atmosphere, seasons, and distinctive polar ice caps. The ice caps, first observed by Giovanni Cassini in 1666, immediately raised tantalizing questions. Are they made of water ice like the giant glaciers that smother Antarctica? Are they the frozen remains of longvanished oceans? If they melted, could…

Реферат: The influence of the Great Britain on our daily life

Do-It-Yourself is the widespread hobby among Russian people, but it has come from Britain. Food and meals: Tea is the British national drink and our too. They and we like tea strong and fresh-made. The British sport have affected on our sport. English and Russian people like sport. Lawn tennis is English game too. Wimbledon is the centre of lawn tennis. Hamburgers, sandwiches and hot food have…

Реферат: История Германии

Gebohren im Jahre 18 v. Chr als Sohn des Cherusfьrster Segimer, kam Arminius zusammen mit seinem Bruder Flavus als Kind zur militдrischen Ausbildung nach Rom. In den Germanienfeldzьgen (похід) des Tiberius befehligte er 4−6 n. Chr die germanischen Hilfsgruppen, wofьr er mit dem rцmischen Bьrgerrecht ausgezeichnet wurde. Nach der Rьckkehr zu seinem Stamm stellte er sich jedoch an die Spitze einer…

Реферат: Неправильные причастя в іспанському языке

Salvar — salvado — salvo Sepultar — sepultado — sepulto Soltar — soltado — suelto Substituir — substituido — substituto Sujetar — sujetado — sujeto Suprimir — suprimido — supreso Suspender — suspendido — suspenso Teсir — teсido — tinto Torcer — torcido — tuerto. En los verbos freнr, imprimir, prender y proveer se usan indistintamente el participio regular o el irregular; en los demбs verbos…

Реферат: Advertisement as a service

The second function is to sell. The products are shown from the best point of view and the potential buyer, on having entered the store, unconsciously chooses the advertised products. One buys this washing powder or this chewing gum, because the colorful TV commercials convince him of the best qualities of the product. Even cigarettes or sweets or alcohol are associated with the good values…

Реферат: Children porno

Passing sentence, Judge Fabyan Evans said King, who was credited in the final recommendations in the Court of Appeal for offering advice on sentences for paedophiles, had abused his position as a self-professed expert on child abuse. He said: «It was depraved, corrupt and persistent behaviour on vulnerable young girls. «You took advantage of three of them, one with learning difficulties…

Реферат: Nature Protection

This «hole» allows more UV rays to penetrate to the Earth. It increases the risk of skin cancer, weakens the immune system of people. Besides, UV rays influence the oceans, the growth of plankton, an essential part of the marine-life food chain in the negative way, reduce economically important-crops (rice, cotton, soy beans). The life cycle is going to be undermined by the ozone. Destruction…

Реферат: Cities around the world

My favorite foreign city is San-Francisco. It is located in the State of California, on the western coast of the USA. Its population is 4 million people and in this regard it’s the fourth largest city in California and the fourteenth in the US after New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, etc. Besides, San Francisco is the second most densely populated major American city after New York…

Реферат: Radio

For the propagation and interception of radio waves, a transmitter and receiver are employed. A radio wave acts as a carrier of information-bearing signals; the information may be encoded directly on the wave by periodically interrupting its transmission (as in dot-and-dash telegraphy) or impressed on it by a process called modulation. The actual information in a modulated signal is contained…
